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School Health Advisory Council

Welcome to the Olney ISD School Health Advisory Council!

The Olney ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) will establish and communicate guidelines and age-appropriate strategies to implement ongoing programs enabling students at all levels to make informed choices for a healthy lifestyle reflective of our community’s values.

Members consist of OISD parents, students, school personnel, and other community members. SHAC members review Olney ISD coordinated school health programs and make improve the health and wellness of our Olney ISD community.


Join us for the next School Health Advisory Council Meeting: 

SHAC General Meeting
Wednesday, June 19th· 9:00am
Olney HS Auditorium

Meeting Information

Below are the required posting of Agendas and Audio Recordings from the meetings:

June 25, 2024 Meeting Audio

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January 10, 2024 Meeting Audio

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November 15, 2023 Meeting Audio

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September 6, 2023 Meeting Audio

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June 20, 2023 Meeting Audio

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February 22, 2023 Meeting Audio

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Wellness Plan

The SHAC works closely with OISD to carefully plan school health programming to impact student health. Sharing teaching methods, working through obstacles, and helping with assessment activities is all a part of SHAC’s work. This work also includes promoting school health coordination within the shcool district and in the community. The benefits can range from receiving more resources to building better understanding between the school and the community. Below is the Wellness Plan created by the SHAC as ways to accomplish the mission.

Helpful SHAC Links

How do I get involved?